What is sonohysterography? Sonohysterography is a technique in which fluid is injected through the cervix into the uterus, and ultrasound...
Dr. Athanasios V. Mousiolis, Obstetrician – Gynecologist, Fetal Medicine Specialist
Welcome to the Clinic of Dr. Athanasios V. Mousiolis. In our Clinic, we offer general Obstetrical and Gynecological services, as well as specialised Antenatal and Fetomaternal Medicine ones. Our aim is to promote Woman’s Health in all stages of her life and to offer the finest care for the growing baby. We promote practices that increase successful vaginal deliveries. Cesarean sections are only performed under specific medical indications. Aid in our cause is the use of the latest technology and keeping in line of applied practices with the most recent scientific advances.
Our Offered Services
Why Us
- Diploma in Fetal Medicine (FMF, UK)
- Expertise on Antenatal services
- Lecturer of the Medical School of the University of Thessaly
- Specialization in the University Clinic of Alexandra Hospital , Athens
- Certification in colposcopy and cervical pathology
- Experience in hospitals of Great Britain and Greece
Opening Hours
Monday 09:30- 13:30 & 17:00- 21:00
Tuesday 09:30- 13:30 & 17:00- 21:00
Wednesday 09:30- 13:30 & 17:00- 21:00
Thursday 09:30- 13:30 & 17:00- 21:00
Friday 09:30- 13:30 & 17:00- 21:00
By appointment
Some of Our Offered Services
What they said about us
The Doctor

Dr Athanasios V. Mousiolis
Obstetrician - Gynecologist
Diploma in Fetal Medicine (FMF, UK)
Specialised in Fetomaternal Medicine
Thessaly University Medical School Lecturer
Trained in the University Clinic of Alexandra Hospital, Athens
Certified in colposcopy and cervical pathology
Experience in Greek and UK hospitals
The Midwife

Maria Nikolaou
Graduated from Midwifery Dpt of the School of Health and Wellfare Professions of the Higher Technological Institute of Athens, Greece
Completed her practical training in the Ob- Gyn Clinic of Hospital Alexandra, Athens, Greece.
Volunteer in refugee camps during the refugee crisis period in Greece.
Special interest in preparing future parents for the coming of their baby.
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Frequent questions
According to the American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, the first gynecological visit is best done between the ages of 13 and 15. The visit can be just a simple discussion about gynecological issues and the vaccination against cervical cancer . In some cases, gynecological or other examinations may be needed. In any case, medical confidentiality applies to what is discussed. If you wish, you can be accompanied by a family member or a friend.
The Pap test (smear test) is a test for cervical cancer. It is one of the most important gynecological examinations that a woman must do to stay healthy. It is recommended to start at the latest at 21 until the age of 65 if all is well. At the examination chair, we will gently take a sample from your cervix (the opening of the uterus) with a brush. This sample contains cells from the cervix that will be sent to a special laboratory to be tested for any abnormal findings. Finding abnormal cells does not mean that there is cancer, but further tests may be needed.
You can check your cervix whenever you want. A prerequisite is that you do not have a period. It is recommended that, one day before the test, you have no sexual intercourse and to avoid vaginal douching, or the use of lubricants or spermicides.
We measure the duration of the cycle from the 1st day of the period to the 1st day of the next period. It is a good habit to record your periods (in a notebook or in a mobile application).
Contrary to many people’s beliefs that a woman’s normal cycle is 28 days long, this does not apply to most women. The cycle can range from every 21 to every 35 days and still be normal. If it occurs more often (polymenorrhea) or later (oligomenorrhea) possible causes should be sought.
In some women, there is short-term pain and bleeding between periods that lasts 2-3 days when they ovulate (on fertile days) and this is normal.
Try analgesics containing paracetamol 1000mg, ibuprofen 400-600mg or naproxen 500mg. Start analgesics as soon as you feel the first symptoms of the onset of menstruation. Place something warm, like a heating pad, low on your belly.
Research shows that smoking cessation, exercise, good nutrition, multivitamins, calcium and magnesium are simple ways to reduce menstrual cramps. Contraceptive pills offer great relief.
In case nothing helps, you can arrange an appointment with us to clarify the causes and rule out conditions such as endometriosis.
Bleeding that lasts for more than 7 days or comes more often than every 21 days needs to be investigated. Abnormal bleeding may be due to pregnancy, abnormal cells of the cervix or endometrium (the inner lining of the womb), ovarian cyst, mechanical problems (eg fibroids or polyps) or a hormonal disorder.
If you are at menopause, any bleeding from the womb needs to be investigated. If a woman is taking contraceptives, drops of blood are quite common in the first 3 months of using contraceptives or if she does not remember to take them on time.
The investigation depends on the causes and includes gynecological examination, gynecological ultrasound, Pap test and vaginal fluid cultures and hormonal examination. Rarely, especially in postmenopausal bleeding, a biopsy may be needed.
Emergency contraception is a way to prevent pregnancy after a condom fails, you had a free contact, or if you forgot to take your birth control pills for 2 days or more. For contraception to be effective, you must take the pill within the next 72 hours of the event.
We recommend using one pill called Norlevo or Postinor. If more than 72 hours from the event have passed, you can use the ellaOne pill that covers you for up to 120 hours (5 days) from the event.
Emergency contraception does not cause miscarriage and does not affect any existing pregnancy. There is no “limit” on how many times you can use it. But if you use it often, it indicates that you need to review your contraceptive methods.
It is a good idea to start taking a vitamin called folic acid a couple of months before conception. So you should start supplementation when you decide to start efforts to conceive or as soon as you know you are pregnant.
You can take it alone, or in combination with other vitamins, as long as the dose is 400 μg or 0.4 mg. Folic acid protects your baby from spina bifida or other brain abnormalities.
Women at increased risk for these conditions, eg with a family history of spina bifida, should take the 5 mg formulation.