The Midwife

The midwife graduated from the Midwifery Dpt of Athens University of Applied Sciences (Faculty of Health and Caring Professions) with a degree of 8.23/ 10.
Her investigational graduation thesis was about ‘Pros and cons of the trial of vaginal birth after a cesarean section for the mother and the baby’ for which she was graded with 10/ 10.
During her practical education, she was trained at the Ob- Gyn Clinic of Alexandra Materinty Hospital, Athens. During her training, she attended all hospital departments, emfasizing in Labour Ward, where she handled the management of a great number of deliveries during all stages of labour.
Additionally, she was trained in the management of High- Risk Pregnancies and Neonatel Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at the respective hospital wards.
Within her duties was the management and follow- up of pregnancies in all trimesters at the Outpatient Antenatal Clinic, which included routine appointments as well as obstetrical emergencies.
Finally, she was trained in the management of women post- partum so she is experienced in dealing with the needs of women during this particular stage.
She has offered her midwifery services , as a volunteer, for many monthes in camps during the refugees crisis.
She keeps up with the latest scientific knowledge attending courses and congresses so that she can always be up- to- date and provide women with the highest level of service according to the current scientific knowledge.
Her special interests include preparing couples for parenthood (that includes methods of psychological preparation for all stages of pregnancy, preparation for the labour, as well as familiarisation with efficinet breastfeeding techniques).
Her aim is to inspire every woman with trust on herself and her abilities to succesfully manage pregnancy and beyond. She aims to promote normal delivery and breastfeeding and be supportive on every woman’s needs.